I'm here in front of the screen. There are three days that I think. Last night I barely slept. I have a headache and I try to write once again helped by my cigarettes. I can not make order. In my head I hear a jumble of things, statements, comments, ideas and images. I'm missing the point though. The worst thing is that I keep on wondering what he is doing, what he is thinking what they are doing while I'm here to think. And 'this is the thing that wingless more. Eluana while I'm here trying to express my dissent, might begin to agonize. Now while I cried in a sentence and another, still with fingers on the keyboard and the headaches that could mount begin to die. As a child I always thought that, knowing the future, it would have saved many people. Victims of homicides, rapes, accidents ... for the first time we know the future, we know what will happen, but we can not help it. We will be watching. I feel great ethical disquisitions on the value of life on the line between medical care and aggressive treatment, the opportunity for a legal euthanasia law and I realize that empty words are faced with a dying life, a life murdered. You speak about death with dignity, dignity of life. Dignity is equivalent to quality. I realize now that life is a qualitative issue, and others to evaluate it. You are not able to take care of yourself same? Quality of life zero, it is best if you die. It 's more dignified. Eluana safeguard your dignity, the dignity that these doctors of the cold logic of commodification of the body have lost or never had. There is more dignity in a body that in suffering, this is what they think, which blasphemes. Even in a strictly logical and continues to be incomprehensible to their course, their choice. I did notice my father the other night. Eluana If you're a vegetable, you're dead, do not try anything, do not experience pain, stop what you are interested to suffer? Let the map where he is! Let some loving gardener still watering. If Instead you feel the pain, but if you're alive, but if you're a woman, removing power from what equivarebbe? God have mercy on us. A useless life they say. There are many sisters who love you and that you want in the name of love with him forever, until the end. But your life is worth nothing. You have friends who come to see you every day, because they love you, and why do you listen to music and talk to you. But your life is worth nothing. He has parents that take you to walk in the garden because they love you. You have a father who mistakenly wants to kill you, mad with grief, to stop your suffering, because he loves you. But your life is worth nothing. Maybe all this love, this is already enough to give a meaning, a reason, a dignity to your life. But they are blind and deaf. Or just do not want to see. For them, your life is still not worth anything. It 's a death penalty cowardly, perpetrated without having the courage to take responsibility, hiding everything in a grand gesture of love and mercy. This could ritorcervisi loving mercy against one day, remember. I do not agree with Giuliano Ferrara, when he says that an injection would be more humane. I understand the challenge today but maybe it should be emphasized (we really reduced to this point?) That give the death can not be merciful and never will be considerable. We are at a crossroads. Not can no longer remain silent. It also said Oriana Fallaci, there are times when truth is not in the middle and it must be said, crying. Should indicate where is the truth and stand up. I can not, we can not afford to be complicit in this time. Eluana Your life is the last bastion of hope for saving the lives of all those who are not of pure breed, which are indignitosi the eyes of this new hierarchy of science. Children, the elderly, wheelchair so those who can not, who can not do alone today are in danger. We suggest the derogatory example, the master. A world made of plastic and Anglo-Saxon law, without God and humanity. We are afraid and feel that world. We prefer the Our Italy, we prefer our history and our culture, based on humanity and dignity of life. Here, where the time of Thomas Aquinas we were light years more evolved than this joke of rights to be homogenized, philosophies of emptiness and hatred. Tenetevelo your Anglo-Saxon, Protestant and moralist. We are here to cry for and with you, Eluana, shouting with all our strength, that does not perpetuate the conviction. It 's true is our law, are our judges, our state now put you to death Eluana, but there is common with this murder. The only thing that consoles me is that we are not alone. There are a lot with me and you. There is the Church with the Pope, there Ferrara, there are the sisters of Lecco, Regione Lombardia, which is a refuge to be conniving. Eluana do not be discouraged, perhaps the war is not over yet! I invite you all to join with us at the beginning of the paper and put a candle in the window for Eluana.
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro
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