Lately, more and more often I run into discourses and discussions that leave me puzzled. Puzzle is not the substance of the talks, which are the most diverse and frequently futile, but the method on which the opinion, comments or insults are unfounded. To explain it well tell you the last one that happened to me. I'm actually a series of incidents that occurred within a few months. It all started a few sentences riportatemi on a discussion among some of my friends to dinner together, whose topic was Facebook. During this high debate (the positions were evenly divided between those for and against the site) a witty diner said more reasonable to believe (these are the words that have been reported), as a human position, that of a boy fond of pornography, if compared with that of any other user of fb. The reasons cited: the attraction of pornography is given by a true desire, real boy. Who is using FB instead of replacing reality with illusion, replaces face meetings with virtual meetings, undermines the importance of you. Fb word is not derived from a real need, and fictitious answers. Later I got to discuss with some friends of the same phenomenon interactive meeting places not as extreme, but equally intransigent. One in particular Fb considered a gimmick by the power to control us. Finally, in short, a colleague of mine asked me explanations sull'infernale site, worried about her teenage son (who had meanwhile forbidden to join), wondering if it was possible that virtually any attacker to reach the child. Now you understand my concerns? Maybe not. I'll try to explain. The fact of the matter is not fb or, that which binds the three characters, a negative opinion against him. (If you must discuss the merits Judgement will do soon). The point is the method by which we judge things, the reality. The thing that unites the three is that they never bothered to learn the reality of which they spoke. None of them has ever bothered to go and see, to experience it. Too often opinions are given in the name of an injury (review prior to an unknown) due to hearsay. A little 'what happens with the oracle of our troubled justicialist journalism. It is said that no one can counter the journalist. I say that the listener does not bother to go and see what he says, others do not care about him and nothing else. The fact that he was convicted of defamation closes the issue. To return to our problem, we have become unaccustomed to the experience of reality, we are lazy and lazy, we prefer not to move and to delegate to others the hard work of living and knowing, then the conclusion easily assimilate, disseminate and make them our own. The outcome of this approach is twofold. First approval gray and depressing just to hear once again call on which The Wall by Pink Floyd. Secondly, the division in all good things and bad things. (In our case, for example Fb turns out to be evil). A conception of reality that I would define as "heretical." The belief that evil and the good things are in is something very close to animism. And 'man deciding whether to pursue the good and evil, if what you have to use in a good or bad, whether you do things good or bad. It 's the result of a decision, conscious or not. Man is free to choose good and evil, which are in him, in his nature. The hardest man in the war it has become an adult himself. And 'here comes in the importance of gaining experience. Why is this important to our nature, dealing with reality, know it and then judge it, teaching to fail to assume control. Even at the cost of being wrong. It 'may be necessary to the mistake, the mistake (not that is good and should not be condemned and punished). At this point I know that someone will bring out the same old refrain. We need to try drugs to say that is bad? Of course not. But the drug is not bad in itself. The drug substance is not as bad, cause no harm by itself. Until you succeed is injected. the heroine is absolutely harmless. Evil is the man who decides to do. E 'in the choice of using it. In the decision to cancel an individual with that substance. Experience but can also mean to be strong and say no. In fact maybe it's just dealing with and knowing that you can say truly and consciously not. I think that to say no to a strip of cocaine in the toilets at school and choose according to a experience, and be free. Rationally decide first what is and what is not in his own life, about personal problems that reality has never spot or philosophizing. Who knows, however, our philosopher would have chosen something in the bathroom. Let me be clear, I'm not saying that the workplace, friends or acquaintances are not important. It 'obvious that to grow by men, capable of facing reality and judge it right, it is useful to have good friends, great parents and positive environment. But none of this is unavoidable: those without family, friends and frequenting the wrong places deviant men are now? And in any case, education about family, the loyalty of true friends and fertile environments in which to grow their own humanity are but a gym to train then the confrontation with life. So why be fearful? Why run away and hide? We live. Sure you can fall. But I was taught that you can lift up every day. Every day you can not start because the outcome depends on us, not in our hands. Must be our only commitment. To return to fb I can support that has positives and negatives. Naturally depends on the how and why to use it. If anyone had the need to deepen the discussion on facebook knock once. You will get answers
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro
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