A UFO, that is a smear, without paid
(For this time, given the affection for the subject, that is our beloved Domm and its construction, we will use all available space)
particularly interesting way of saying the etymology and meaning is derived from the initials or AUF ad usum fabricae. The boats on which was affixed the mark, along the canals, transporting marble for the construction of the Cathedral, were exempted from duties and taxes once imposed on any other normal commodity. But let's step back ... At the height of the mouth of the Toce, past the pond Mergozzo, we come to the country of Candoglia. On the right is Mount Orphan, which for centuries was excavated by meticulous stonemasons to make the beautiful white marble that was used and still uses for the building and restoration of the Cathedral. When the project began to take shape for the new cathedral of Milan, the great ship had been allowed to reach navigable waterway all the materials needed for construction. The reason that prompted the Milanese to travel a hundred miles away from London to search for the material, due to the fact that the zones of the Val d'Ossola was always famous for being rich in fine-quality marble. Candoglia The ancient sawmill, after a first roughing in the laboratories, the material was loaded (at a port called "Piard") on barges up and down to Toce to take in the calm waters of Lake Maggiore. The remainder of the journey has become legend: Nevigata boats in a southerly direction to Sesto Calende, where the lake returns to its Ticino waters. This was sailed with many difficulties due to the presence of eleven rapids. The problems of the return journey were then resolved by an ingenious invention of Cattaneo, 1858, ie rail for boats: the so-called Ipposidra. The trip continues up to Tornavento, where marble was hijacked along the Naviglio Grande, always above the typical boats marked by the now famous written auf finally arrived in Milan, the load was placed in the pond and from there Sant'Eustorgio travel again to the pond of St. Stephen, later called the hospital. "La Fabbrica del Duomo began in 1386, in a climate generosity of competitors. Rich and poor they perform for free, sometimes paid for the honor of challenging a trowel. The lawyers' guild, the first day that he went to work, offered forty gold florins, the noble two hundred seventy-two lire (at sunset, exhausted, drained a bottle of wine). Offered the prostitutes a day, or rather a night of work, a leader of the sword, the parish of Saint Marc a donkey, that of Eastern Gate (now Porta Venezia) a calf. Marco Carelli, a wealthy merchant, was reduced to poverty by donating all his possessions, thirty-five thousand gold crowns, earned fiddling slave market in Venice, where a nice tartar eighteen years worth thirty-two shields, but it was twenty-eight, the price dropped to thirty. Also to raise money for the city turned the "cantegole, parades of girls who played flute, while the ladies of Port Vercellina organize talent shows, mythological Jason and Medea with pay" Caesar's Brands Great sinners great cathedrals.
Chiara Nizzola
Chiara Nizzola
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