pastéis de Belém
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Craigslist Monster Mini Fridge
Estro Milanes - "A uff ..." Fragments of truth
(For this time, given the affection for the subject, that is our beloved Domm and its construction, we will use all available space)

A UFO, that is a smear, without paid
(For this time, given the affection for the subject, that is our beloved Domm and its construction, we will use all available space)
particularly interesting way of saying the etymology and meaning is derived from the initials or AUF ad usum fabricae. The boats on which was affixed the mark, along the canals, transporting marble for the construction of the Cathedral, were exempted from duties and taxes once imposed on any other normal commodity. But let's step back ... At the height of the mouth of the Toce, past the pond Mergozzo, we come to the country of Candoglia. On the right is Mount Orphan, which for centuries was excavated by meticulous stonemasons to make the beautiful white marble that was used and still uses for the building and restoration of the Cathedral. When the project began to take shape for the new cathedral of Milan, the great ship had been allowed to reach navigable waterway all the materials needed for construction. The reason that prompted the Milanese to travel a hundred miles away from London to search for the material, due to the fact that the zones of the Val d'Ossola was always famous for being rich in fine-quality marble. Candoglia The ancient sawmill, after a first roughing in the laboratories, the material was loaded (at a port called "Piard") on barges up and down to Toce to take in the calm waters of Lake Maggiore. The remainder of the journey has become legend: Nevigata boats in a southerly direction to Sesto Calende, where the lake returns to its Ticino waters. This was sailed with many difficulties due to the presence of eleven rapids. The problems of the return journey were then resolved by an ingenious invention of Cattaneo, 1858, ie rail for boats: the so-called Ipposidra. The trip continues up to Tornavento, where marble was hijacked along the Naviglio Grande, always above the typical boats marked by the now famous written auf finally arrived in Milan, the load was placed in the pond and from there Sant'Eustorgio travel again to the pond of St. Stephen, later called the hospital. "La Fabbrica del Duomo began in 1386, in a climate generosity of competitors. Rich and poor they perform for free, sometimes paid for the honor of challenging a trowel. The lawyers' guild, the first day that he went to work, offered forty gold florins, the noble two hundred seventy-two lire (at sunset, exhausted, drained a bottle of wine). Offered the prostitutes a day, or rather a night of work, a leader of the sword, the parish of Saint Marc a donkey, that of Eastern Gate (now Porta Venezia) a calf. Marco Carelli, a wealthy merchant, was reduced to poverty by donating all his possessions, thirty-five thousand gold crowns, earned fiddling slave market in Venice, where a nice tartar eighteen years worth thirty-two shields, but it was twenty-eight, the price dropped to thirty. Also to raise money for the city turned the "cantegole, parades of girls who played flute, while the ladies of Port Vercellina organize talent shows, mythological Jason and Medea with pay" Caesar's Brands Great sinners great cathedrals.
Chiara Nizzola
Chiara Nizzola
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Incontience Swimming Pants
Free Bar Association
Here I propose to you the statement of the LAV (Linera Bar Association)
The Supreme Court declared inadmissible the application of the Attorney General in Milan for lack of standing to bring the alleged consequent lack of public interest in the story: it is therefore became final decision of the Court of Appeal of Milan to authorize the termination of ' nutrition and hydration of Eluana, condemned as a horrible death.
The choice of the Supreme Court is built on the culture for which the individual would have a sort of "absolute right" of self-determination, can not be fettered by the limitations of the legal system. Such a view, through a clear strategy, does not hesitate to subvert the fundamental principles of our legal system, which gives nature rather unavailable to the assets of the health and life. Just read what was said just a year ago in the decision of the Court of Rome on the "Welby case" to be aware of this cultural decline as fast as more and more dangerous. In this
decision (which is questionable in its conclusions) may not hold recognized that the refusal of life-saving treatments "on behalf of the patient, the child's legal representative or infirmity of mind, since he has the title only to carry out operations in favor of life and not to the detriment of the represented person "and that the patient can perform acts of disposal "Only if it is fully aware of his physical and mental condition, prospects of development of his condition and the consequences that can result from
his choices, because otherwise their will be marred by distorted or missing elements of knowledge and therefore not free" . Or again, underlining the necessity "of the refusal is not sufficient that the person has previously expressed its willingness to do so" and that therefore the refusal "must persist when the doctor is preparing to implement the will of the patient. " These assumptions in the case of Eluana no trace. Eluana is not at all "self-determined" to require discontinuation of feeding and hydration. Others have not already requested on the basis of formal declarations Eluana, but of mere comments were expressed by her
not less than seventeen years ago in connection with accidents involving other people comments obviously dictated by the emotion of time and can not in any way to suggest a willingness to uniquely Eluana let alone its relevance. It is evidence so flimsy that if you used to support decisions of other people do not hesitate to say that the will of the subject is non-existent or flawed, or not ascertained unequivocally.
When, as happened in the case of Eluana, justice, in place to protect the most vulnerable and helpless, authorizing the withdrawal, it is a sign that we live in an age of barbarism.
Where again then? It 'been stated that "in the history of medicine, its development has become more fruitful when, in the Christian era, began its assistance to the" incurable ", which were previously expelled from the community of men" healthy, "left to die out the city walls or deleted. Who would have occupied if he had risked his own life. For this who began caring for the incurable did for a reason which was more powerful than life itself: a passion for the destiny of man, for his infinite value because the image of God the Creator. "
E 'urgent that the right back to "serve" and to "defend" a conception of life on this scale which reaffirmed the absolute value of the person, in whatever condition it is found, rather than justify the subtle self-destructive spiral in which we are almost unconsciously slipping.
Milan, November 18, 2008 Free Bar Association

Here I propose to you the statement of the LAV (Linera Bar Association)
The Supreme Court declared inadmissible the application of the Attorney General in Milan for lack of standing to bring the alleged consequent lack of public interest in the story: it is therefore became final decision of the Court of Appeal of Milan to authorize the termination of ' nutrition and hydration of Eluana, condemned as a horrible death.
The choice of the Supreme Court is built on the culture for which the individual would have a sort of "absolute right" of self-determination, can not be fettered by the limitations of the legal system. Such a view, through a clear strategy, does not hesitate to subvert the fundamental principles of our legal system, which gives nature rather unavailable to the assets of the health and life. Just read what was said just a year ago in the decision of the Court of Rome on the "Welby case" to be aware of this cultural decline as fast as more and more dangerous. In this
decision (which is questionable in its conclusions) may not hold recognized that the refusal of life-saving treatments "on behalf of the patient, the child's legal representative or infirmity of mind, since he has the title only to carry out operations in favor of life and not to the detriment of the represented person "and that the patient can perform acts of disposal "Only if it is fully aware of his physical and mental condition, prospects of development of his condition and the consequences that can result from
his choices, because otherwise their will be marred by distorted or missing elements of knowledge and therefore not free" . Or again, underlining the necessity "of the refusal is not sufficient that the person has previously expressed its willingness to do so" and that therefore the refusal "must persist when the doctor is preparing to implement the will of the patient. " These assumptions in the case of Eluana no trace. Eluana is not at all "self-determined" to require discontinuation of feeding and hydration. Others have not already requested on the basis of formal declarations Eluana, but of mere comments were expressed by her
not less than seventeen years ago in connection with accidents involving other people comments obviously dictated by the emotion of time and can not in any way to suggest a willingness to uniquely Eluana let alone its relevance. It is evidence so flimsy that if you used to support decisions of other people do not hesitate to say that the will of the subject is non-existent or flawed, or not ascertained unequivocally.
When, as happened in the case of Eluana, justice, in place to protect the most vulnerable and helpless, authorizing the withdrawal, it is a sign that we live in an age of barbarism.
Where again then? It 'been stated that "in the history of medicine, its development has become more fruitful when, in the Christian era, began its assistance to the" incurable ", which were previously expelled from the community of men" healthy, "left to die out the city walls or deleted. Who would have occupied if he had risked his own life. For this who began caring for the incurable did for a reason which was more powerful than life itself: a passion for the destiny of man, for his infinite value because the image of God the Creator. "
E 'urgent that the right back to "serve" and to "defend" a conception of life on this scale which reaffirmed the absolute value of the person, in whatever condition it is found, rather than justify the subtle self-destructive spiral in which we are almost unconsciously slipping.
Milan, November 18, 2008 Free Bar Association
Monday, November 17, 2008
Public Subway Groping
Tino Sehgal, the GAM Foundation Trussardi
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
Why Does Chatroulette Detect My Camera
A candle for Eluana

I'm here in front of the screen. There are three days that I think. Last night I barely slept. I have a headache and I try to write once again helped by my cigarettes. I can not make order. In my head I hear a jumble of things, statements, comments, ideas and images. I'm missing the point though. The worst thing is that I keep on wondering what he is doing, what he is thinking what they are doing while I'm here to think. And 'this is the thing that wingless more. Eluana while I'm here trying to express my dissent, might begin to agonize. Now while I cried in a sentence and another, still with fingers on the keyboard and the headaches that could mount begin to die. As a child I always thought that, knowing the future, it would have saved many people. Victims of homicides, rapes, accidents ... for the first time we know the future, we know what will happen, but we can not help it. We will be watching. I feel great ethical disquisitions on the value of life on the line between medical care and aggressive treatment, the opportunity for a legal euthanasia law and I realize that empty words are faced with a dying life, a life murdered. You speak about death with dignity, dignity of life. Dignity is equivalent to quality. I realize now that life is a qualitative issue, and others to evaluate it. You are not able to take care of yourself same? Quality of life zero, it is best if you die. It 's more dignified. Eluana safeguard your dignity, the dignity that these doctors of the cold logic of commodification of the body have lost or never had. There is more dignity in a body that in suffering, this is what they think, which blasphemes. Even in a strictly logical and continues to be incomprehensible to their course, their choice. I did notice my father the other night. Eluana If you're a vegetable, you're dead, do not try anything, do not experience pain, stop what you are interested to suffer? Let the map where he is! Let some loving gardener still watering. If Instead you feel the pain, but if you're alive, but if you're a woman, removing power from what equivarebbe? God have mercy on us. A useless life they say. There are many sisters who love you and that you want in the name of love with him forever, until the end. But your life is worth nothing. You have friends who come to see you every day, because they love you, and why do you listen to music and talk to you. But your life is worth nothing. He has parents that take you to walk in the garden because they love you. You have a father who mistakenly wants to kill you, mad with grief, to stop your suffering, because he loves you. But your life is worth nothing. Maybe all this love, this is already enough to give a meaning, a reason, a dignity to your life. But they are blind and deaf. Or just do not want to see. For them, your life is still not worth anything. It 's a death penalty cowardly, perpetrated without having the courage to take responsibility, hiding everything in a grand gesture of love and mercy. This could ritorcervisi loving mercy against one day, remember. I do not agree with Giuliano Ferrara, when he says that an injection would be more humane. I understand the challenge today but maybe it should be emphasized (we really reduced to this point?) That give the death can not be merciful and never will be considerable. We are at a crossroads. Not can no longer remain silent. It also said Oriana Fallaci, there are times when truth is not in the middle and it must be said, crying. Should indicate where is the truth and stand up. I can not, we can not afford to be complicit in this time. Eluana Your life is the last bastion of hope for saving the lives of all those who are not of pure breed, which are indignitosi the eyes of this new hierarchy of science. Children, the elderly, wheelchair so those who can not, who can not do alone today are in danger. We suggest the derogatory example, the master. A world made of plastic and Anglo-Saxon law, without God and humanity. We are afraid and feel that world. We prefer the Our Italy, we prefer our history and our culture, based on humanity and dignity of life. Here, where the time of Thomas Aquinas we were light years more evolved than this joke of rights to be homogenized, philosophies of emptiness and hatred. Tenetevelo your Anglo-Saxon, Protestant and moralist. We are here to cry for and with you, Eluana, shouting with all our strength, that does not perpetuate the conviction. It 's true is our law, are our judges, our state now put you to death Eluana, but there is common with this murder. The only thing that consoles me is that we are not alone. There are a lot with me and you. There is the Church with the Pope, there Ferrara, there are the sisters of Lecco, Regione Lombardia, which is a refuge to be conniving. Eluana do not be discouraged, perhaps the war is not over yet! I invite you all to join with us at the beginning of the paper and put a candle in the window for Eluana.
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Example Of Appeal Letter For College
Origins (Italian?) culinary fashion of the moment: the
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Watercolor Paper Stretcher System
Macarons de Paris "Art is not so much what but what you do is "A. Jarre
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Click the title and go to the article
Monday, November 10, 2008
Guitar Method Masterbation
Our history speaks
Milan As good as we all oestrus Verso, we are attached to the traditions of our people, always in motion, has no time to lose, and that wherever he keeps his head turned up in search our golden Madonna. The life of this city, organized perfectly in every aspect brings with it stories, idioms and proverbs that draw, in fact, the special features of Milan. Now that the dialect has been lost between us young people (the dialect is not the accent!) Remain, as our cultural background (I think can be called that) those idioms or sayings we have heard from our grandparents and, in some circumstances so without thinking, we represent in a completely natural way, without knowing its meaning. Hidden behind these words, stories calzulé, muleta sciuri and tailors. Humble people, often ignorant, with sacrifice and work that has built Milan and has taught us, through experience, simplicity and wisdom of facing the daily grind. So those people, our grandparents and all those who preceded them have left us the gift of these little "pearls of wisdom", in which we recognize today, and that make us unique: Milan. That is why we periodically re-present, with the Estro rubrichina Milanes, some of these sayings and reconstruct the origins and why. You'll find it on the left of the post twice a week.
Chiara Nizzola

Milan As good as we all oestrus Verso, we are attached to the traditions of our people, always in motion, has no time to lose, and that wherever he keeps his head turned up in search our golden Madonna. The life of this city, organized perfectly in every aspect brings with it stories, idioms and proverbs that draw, in fact, the special features of Milan. Now that the dialect has been lost between us young people (the dialect is not the accent!) Remain, as our cultural background (I think can be called that) those idioms or sayings we have heard from our grandparents and, in some circumstances so without thinking, we represent in a completely natural way, without knowing its meaning. Hidden behind these words, stories calzulé, muleta sciuri and tailors. Humble people, often ignorant, with sacrifice and work that has built Milan and has taught us, through experience, simplicity and wisdom of facing the daily grind. So those people, our grandparents and all those who preceded them have left us the gift of these little "pearls of wisdom", in which we recognize today, and that make us unique: Milan. That is why we periodically re-present, with the Estro rubrichina Milanes, some of these sayings and reconstruct the origins and why. You'll find it on the left of the post twice a week.
Chiara Nizzola
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Is Gillette Deodorant Vegan
method of talking about Facebook
Lately, more and more often I run into discourses and discussions that leave me puzzled. Puzzle is not the substance of the talks, which are the most diverse and frequently futile, but the method on which the opinion, comments or insults are unfounded. To explain it well tell you the last one that happened to me. I'm actually a series of incidents that occurred within a few months. It all started a few sentences riportatemi on a discussion among some of my friends to dinner together, whose topic was Facebook. During this high debate (the positions were evenly divided between those for and against the site) a witty diner said more reasonable to believe (these are the words that have been reported), as a human position, that of a boy fond of pornography, if compared with that of any other user of fb. The reasons cited: the attraction of pornography is given by a true desire, real boy. Who is using FB instead of replacing reality with illusion, replaces face meetings with virtual meetings, undermines the importance of you. Fb word is not derived from a real need, and fictitious answers. Later I got to discuss with some friends of the same phenomenon interactive meeting places not as extreme, but equally intransigent. One in particular Fb considered a gimmick by the power to control us. Finally, in short, a colleague of mine asked me explanations sull'infernale site, worried about her teenage son (who had meanwhile forbidden to join), wondering if it was possible that virtually any attacker to reach the child. Now you understand my concerns? Maybe not. I'll try to explain. The fact of the matter is not fb or, that which binds the three characters, a negative opinion against him. (If you must discuss the merits Judgement will do soon). The point is the method by which we judge things, the reality. The thing that unites the three is that they never bothered to learn the reality of which they spoke. None of them has ever bothered to go and see, to experience it. Too often opinions are given in the name of an injury (review prior to an unknown) due to hearsay. A little 'what happens with the oracle of our troubled justicialist journalism. It is said that no one can counter the journalist. I say that the listener does not bother to go and see what he says, others do not care about him and nothing else. The fact that he was convicted of defamation closes the issue. To return to our problem, we have become unaccustomed to the experience of reality, we are lazy and lazy, we prefer not to move and to delegate to others the hard work of living and knowing, then the conclusion easily assimilate, disseminate and make them our own. The outcome of this approach is twofold. First approval gray and depressing just to hear once again call on which The Wall by Pink Floyd. Secondly, the division in all good things and bad things. (In our case, for example Fb turns out to be evil). A conception of reality that I would define as "heretical." The belief that evil and the good things are in is something very close to animism. And 'man deciding whether to pursue the good and evil, if what you have to use in a good or bad, whether you do things good or bad. It 's the result of a decision, conscious or not. Man is free to choose good and evil, which are in him, in his nature. The hardest man in the war it has become an adult himself. And 'here comes in the importance of gaining experience. Why is this important to our nature, dealing with reality, know it and then judge it, teaching to fail to assume control. Even at the cost of being wrong. It 'may be necessary to the mistake, the mistake (not that is good and should not be condemned and punished). At this point I know that someone will bring out the same old refrain. We need to try drugs to say that is bad? Of course not. But the drug is not bad in itself. The drug substance is not as bad, cause no harm by itself. Until you succeed is injected. the heroine is absolutely harmless. Evil is the man who decides to do. E 'in the choice of using it. In the decision to cancel an individual with that substance. Experience but can also mean to be strong and say no. In fact maybe it's just dealing with and knowing that you can say truly and consciously not. I think that to say no to a strip of cocaine in the toilets at school and choose according to a experience, and be free. Rationally decide first what is and what is not in his own life, about personal problems that reality has never spot or philosophizing. Who knows, however, our philosopher would have chosen something in the bathroom. Let me be clear, I'm not saying that the workplace, friends or acquaintances are not important. It 'obvious that to grow by men, capable of facing reality and judge it right, it is useful to have good friends, great parents and positive environment. But none of this is unavoidable: those without family, friends and frequenting the wrong places deviant men are now? And in any case, education about family, the loyalty of true friends and fertile environments in which to grow their own humanity are but a gym to train then the confrontation with life. So why be fearful? Why run away and hide? We live. Sure you can fall. But I was taught that you can lift up every day. Every day you can not start because the outcome depends on us, not in our hands. Must be our only commitment. To return to fb I can support that has positives and negatives. Naturally depends on the how and why to use it. If anyone had the need to deepen the discussion on facebook knock once. You will get answers
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro

Lately, more and more often I run into discourses and discussions that leave me puzzled. Puzzle is not the substance of the talks, which are the most diverse and frequently futile, but the method on which the opinion, comments or insults are unfounded. To explain it well tell you the last one that happened to me. I'm actually a series of incidents that occurred within a few months. It all started a few sentences riportatemi on a discussion among some of my friends to dinner together, whose topic was Facebook. During this high debate (the positions were evenly divided between those for and against the site) a witty diner said more reasonable to believe (these are the words that have been reported), as a human position, that of a boy fond of pornography, if compared with that of any other user of fb. The reasons cited: the attraction of pornography is given by a true desire, real boy. Who is using FB instead of replacing reality with illusion, replaces face meetings with virtual meetings, undermines the importance of you. Fb word is not derived from a real need, and fictitious answers. Later I got to discuss with some friends of the same phenomenon interactive meeting places not as extreme, but equally intransigent. One in particular Fb considered a gimmick by the power to control us. Finally, in short, a colleague of mine asked me explanations sull'infernale site, worried about her teenage son (who had meanwhile forbidden to join), wondering if it was possible that virtually any attacker to reach the child. Now you understand my concerns? Maybe not. I'll try to explain. The fact of the matter is not fb or, that which binds the three characters, a negative opinion against him. (If you must discuss the merits Judgement will do soon). The point is the method by which we judge things, the reality. The thing that unites the three is that they never bothered to learn the reality of which they spoke. None of them has ever bothered to go and see, to experience it. Too often opinions are given in the name of an injury (review prior to an unknown) due to hearsay. A little 'what happens with the oracle of our troubled justicialist journalism. It is said that no one can counter the journalist. I say that the listener does not bother to go and see what he says, others do not care about him and nothing else. The fact that he was convicted of defamation closes the issue. To return to our problem, we have become unaccustomed to the experience of reality, we are lazy and lazy, we prefer not to move and to delegate to others the hard work of living and knowing, then the conclusion easily assimilate, disseminate and make them our own. The outcome of this approach is twofold. First approval gray and depressing just to hear once again call on which The Wall by Pink Floyd. Secondly, the division in all good things and bad things. (In our case, for example Fb turns out to be evil). A conception of reality that I would define as "heretical." The belief that evil and the good things are in is something very close to animism. And 'man deciding whether to pursue the good and evil, if what you have to use in a good or bad, whether you do things good or bad. It 's the result of a decision, conscious or not. Man is free to choose good and evil, which are in him, in his nature. The hardest man in the war it has become an adult himself. And 'here comes in the importance of gaining experience. Why is this important to our nature, dealing with reality, know it and then judge it, teaching to fail to assume control. Even at the cost of being wrong. It 'may be necessary to the mistake, the mistake (not that is good and should not be condemned and punished). At this point I know that someone will bring out the same old refrain. We need to try drugs to say that is bad? Of course not. But the drug is not bad in itself. The drug substance is not as bad, cause no harm by itself. Until you succeed is injected. the heroine is absolutely harmless. Evil is the man who decides to do. E 'in the choice of using it. In the decision to cancel an individual with that substance. Experience but can also mean to be strong and say no. In fact maybe it's just dealing with and knowing that you can say truly and consciously not. I think that to say no to a strip of cocaine in the toilets at school and choose according to a experience, and be free. Rationally decide first what is and what is not in his own life, about personal problems that reality has never spot or philosophizing. Who knows, however, our philosopher would have chosen something in the bathroom. Let me be clear, I'm not saying that the workplace, friends or acquaintances are not important. It 'obvious that to grow by men, capable of facing reality and judge it right, it is useful to have good friends, great parents and positive environment. But none of this is unavoidable: those without family, friends and frequenting the wrong places deviant men are now? And in any case, education about family, the loyalty of true friends and fertile environments in which to grow their own humanity are but a gym to train then the confrontation with life. So why be fearful? Why run away and hide? We live. Sure you can fall. But I was taught that you can lift up every day. Every day you can not start because the outcome depends on us, not in our hands. Must be our only commitment. To return to fb I can support that has positives and negatives. Naturally depends on the how and why to use it. If anyone had the need to deepen the discussion on facebook knock once. You will get answers
Lorenzo Maria Alvaro
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