has just been the latest book by Ferruccio Pinotti " The lobby of God " published by Chiarelettere . A survey of 446 pages on the World Communion and Liberation and its 'economic arm', the CDO . No doubt an interesting subject, full of ideas and very current. Reading the book does leave, overall, a little 'disappointed. Those who expected to find skeletons in cupboards, sanded or inconvenient truths will not be satisfied. Too often, Pinotti, lets go to lodge and a "creative association" of events, creating artificial consecutive cause and effect, if not specious. A very popular today.
is the case with the section del'ampio lawyer Paul Sciumè . After analyzing the charges on the widely different processes, career and history, the conclusion is that the professional has never been convicted of Milan. Here's how to close the section " Sciumè So, in September 1980 he entered the Abbey of Monte Cassino at the first meeting of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, with the founding fathers Giussani, Giancarlo Cesana and Graziano Debellini was found to have a deal with two different legal problems: the tendency of Parmalat and the mafia money, so at the end of January 2009 is over the house, only to be forgotten, leave acquitted. Not bad for a study of which are passed by bishops and cardinals, many men of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and President of the Lombardy Region, Roberto Formigoni, plus dozens and dozens of Memores Domini, the elect of Communion and Liberation. Not bad for someone who only a few months before his arrest he was called by the Catholic University to hold orientation meetings for students, such as that held April 9, 2008, entitled "Law and politics for the common good" .
Far be it from me to want to defend the lawyer and his frequent (and this afternoon came the news of his sentence to five years and four months in the process on Crack Parmalat). But of course this step, like several others in the book, leaving a 'crippled. Another typical example is contained in "A diabolical mechanism " chapter " The Company works . It reads " Zannelli suggests that more investigations of the CDOs that do not come to light in the press. "No one says he was arrested in Rome Emilio Innocenzi, Giussani, a priest friend who took Communion and Liberation in the capital. Innocenzi directs Teamservice, a cooperative of social services with many employees they have been assigned the same orders entrusted to the Why Not. But in Calabria, there was an investigation. Innocenzi they arrested in Rome and nobody talks about "." News stories are all true. Innocenzi is the head of Teamservice and was arrested. Too bad that is not a priest but a family man, that is all to prove his friendship with Giussani and that, once again, was acquitted. Serious inaccuracy, even if it was not intentional and due to light that undermines the overall credibility of the work.
An example would be the last paragraph "The psychology of Cl: analysis of Professor Cortesi . A long-awaited moment of the book as advertised from the beginning. In fact, it is anticipated presentations disclosed the witness' of a psychotherapist who has known many militants Cl and tells fragility and fears ("The dependency that creates very deep") . Luigi Cortesi , after a long speech that has little to do with psychology and nothing, finally comes to the point. We read in the book "Have you ever had patients of Communion and Liberation? "I have treated a case in point. At the time, collaborated with another hotel and I came as a patient a person. I met him for a session in which we began to address a number of problems. After the meeting I telephoned one of the leaders of Cl [Cortesi does not want to reveal the name, author's note], now referring to the national level, and asked, "How was this person, what it do you think? ". I remained thrilled, I never imagined such a call. I told him that he was not allowed even to ask if I had seen or not the person to whom it referred. we give of you, we knew each other well since he was in Bergamo. I told him I was a fool. He said: "As the long do. I know that this person is coming, tell me how it went, much still remains among us. And look, if you do that, you'll work a little here in Bergamo. After that day the person who had come to the session you are no longer made, and I have not had any other patients who claimed CL " . If the example of interference is nice, and makes us understand a phenomenon more than a thousand analysis, it is clear, however, that the "diagnosis" with the professor sets the scene in the CL medium psychological result of a single case. A little 'just to get to a generalization so hard.
Without all of these premise must be emphasized that not everything has to be thrown away. As for the judicial and political side, except as stated above, it is interesting to discover strategies, choices and relationships (this document), which otherwise could hardly be news. Lombard is the case of health or of the many companies owned by private companies that receive public money (with the testimony of Alexander Cé ), or the chapter on accommodation for students.
Very nice, and to read the entire chapter devoted to Memores Domains, consecrated laity of Communion and Liberation, entitled "Warriors of God . Interviews with two memores in "activities" ( FG and Manuel Hervas ) and an ex ( Bruno Vergara ).
In particular interview Vergani, contained in the "Escape from Cl " allows you to read a critique, not particularly poisonous and very objective, the world of memores and Cl in general. One way to hear a voice out of alignment.
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