Saturday, May 5, 2007

Yahoo Answers Sayings

The Golden Compass

A colleague lent me this wonderful trilogy of books written by Philip Pullman.
I have not finished reading but it took me a lot!
It 's a beautiful story, I think we can define fantasy, and' too much to think and reflect.

I was very happy to learn that in the short become a film, due out in December. Obviously I can not wait to see him.

recommend anyone who loves great stories (although the ignorant regard them as "children") to procure the books, it's worth it!

Visit the official site the film, which I have also taken the flash of this post: there is a little teaser that deserves to be seen, as well as a alethiometer running! (Well to pretend ...)

From the few available images the film very promising, New Line after the Lord of the Rings seems to want to continue the trend seems fantastic and is also maintaining a high level.

However I am delighted to be able to read the books before the movie.
Even the actors seem to me, fits perfectly: Nicole Kidman is a famous, perfect for the part I'd say!


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