Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Its Black Friday Og Mudbone

small community of service to you gentlemen and ladies who read my blog and you're there for you have stumbled by mistake ...
few days is that latito a bit 'of these pages and even from your blog that would normally follow and comment every day, the fact is that I have time and not wanting my head to do it ... I suppose you're wondering why, well the answer is simple, almost trivial to think about it ... I totally, utterly and hopelessly in love and spend every minute, minute and second free to talk with this person ...
on the blog which is usually used to indicate the person episode in question with a letter ... but I want to have some 'patience if I will not ... for me that is an entire alphabet, and enclose in a letter it would seem simplistic to more than wicked ...
Ps remember the post a few weeks ago in which I spoke of love at first sight ... well I stopped asking if there is, now I say YES ... and that is that life buna:)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Two Men Will Move You
The kite during the first period of its existence, possessed a voice, certainly not pretty, but still sharp and decisive. However, he had always been fed by an irrepressible envy of everyone and everything. He knew he was related to the eagle, but this, instead of being a source of pride, did nothing but fuel his jealousy and is understood to be less gnawing anger for it. He envied the colorful birds like the parrot and peacock, praised and pampered by all. Moreover, it showed contempt towards the bird, saying to himself:
"Yes, but it has a nice little voice is too delicate and romantic! Stuff from silly women! If I try to improve my voice certainly does not take as stupid as this bird. I want a strong voice, that makes the other! "
It was a beautiful spring day. The kite he was calmly perched on a branch of beech, sheltered from the fresh leaves of the plant. Unexpectedly, came a horse that flushed, looking a bit 'of refreshment, went to rest in the shade of the tree.
lie down with the intention take a nap, the horse, you inadvertently pricked with a thorn and thistle, pain, and gave a long shrill whinny.
"Oh, how wonderful!" Said the kite with enthusiasm. This is the voice that would be good for me: sharp, impressive and unique! "
The kite started from that morning to practice in imitation of that verse wonderful. She tried again and again damaging the throat, but to no avail. When, after many unsuccessful attempts, he resigned to return to his original voice, had an unpleasant surprise: he had disappeared, by dint of effort! So he had to settle for a sound insignificant and hoarse for life!
C hi, moved by envy, trying to mimic what is outside of its nature, also lose their original qualities.Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Watching South Park On My Ipad
these days are too busy to devote myself more to the blog, I apologize and promise to fix ... nothing serious really, but ... in any case it is certain that the world does not stop to wait for me and the News follow even if in Italy, as usual, he knows just because a certain part of censorship ...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
New Born Baby Songs Hindi
is a bit 'circulating this video (which for Incidentally it was shot not far from where I live) and I must admit I feel certain things about my town a bit 'hurts, but I can not blame him, just let me remind all the other faces of this city and are certainly not all so black ...
This city is full of trouble, but despite all that I can not love her ... I love Naples and I do not imagine living anywhere else ...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Pinky Squirts In Woman Mouth
do not get confused by ' similarity of the anime title that I have brought the score for the two weeks has nothing to do. This is a type of mecha anime series (ie type of robot), with many action scenes, but with a comic which is evident especially well developed in the relationship between the two protagonists.
The animated series, at least for now, consists of three seasons, although in reality you could say only two since the second is quite unrelated to the other two since Putting aside the action and the evolution of the plot itself to focus on the relationship between the two protagonists and paradoxical gag between the two develop.
The story is about a high school student Kaname Chidori Japanese because of his special skills comes under fire from a group of terrorists who want to kidnap her ... that's why his defense is assigned to the young Sergeant Sousuke Sagara to that effect is passed Institute for a new student attended by the girl will start from here ... a whole range of situations as the case may lead to the development or action or comedy-paradoxical situations.
Definitely a good job, well done that I like to be liked even my friends who generally do not like the anime, which is all a say in any case ... the vote that I do is a nice 7:)
In the end I propose the opening song of the three seasons ...
Should I Bring Formula And Diapers To Hospital
L ' other day I watched a DVD, Imagine Me & You, is a comedy that pretty much tells the story of a girl who falls in love on her wedding day: Hack and Rachel finally decided to crown their relationship by getting married, but the eyes of Rachel's wedding day met the eyes of someone unexpected, the florist, who worked on the decorations in the church body there and unexpected love at first sight ...
Clearly, the story goes on, but I will not say more because I suggest you watch the movie to find out how it ends since it is a really good movie. But it is not in the movie if you want to talk, but rather an issue that I could not help asking myself: is there really a blow lightning or is it just the invention of fiction writers and film writers of appendix?
I wonder if you can meet someone and know within a moment that is right, believing that no matter how one may try you will never find anyone more suitable for us ...
honestly is something I never experienced in person, on the contrary I have always thought that love was born from the knowledge of the other person and is based on roots that go far beyond the momentary impression ...
Now in a perfect ignorant I ask: Has it ever happened to you? Believe in love at first sight?
PS I leave this mini-summary of film to the notes of Torn by Natalie Imbruglia
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Silver Maples Vs American Eagle Coins
'm beginning to think about having a little 'too many DVDs ... I have always had a passion for movies though to be fair to those seen more easily home than for those seen at the cinema ... in particular I have always preferred to purchase (when possible) to hire or from other systems to see a movie, this is not for another, but the simple fact that I like their material possessions and collections ... the question (and if you look at my video store here web there realize) is that now I have too many and I do not know where to place them ... yesterday with the purchase of two other films are now up to 177 as many more (approximately) of anime DVDs in a while ... so 'in my room (which between you and me is a closet) there is no room for me, but only for the DVD ...
now seeing the effects of film in I have several and then behind them are very willing to help them grow in number, I decided to dust off a book I had a little 'put aside the last period, namely that of the DVD of the week ...
But let us ... The film now is Julie & Julia delicious American comedy of 2009 with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams ... saw this film are increasingly convinced that Streep can play any role and always wonderfully believable ... but I say you have never seen a film in which she was more than beautiful? Honestly I do not think that there is ...
The story of two women who lived at different times even though he had never known and have directly share a passion for cooking and writing ... Meryl Streep is Julie Chilh famous writer of books on American cuisine, while Amy Adams is a young woman (Julia) with a passion for cooking and decided to open a blog to talk about, After trying it, recipes, Julie Chilh. For both women's passion for cooking and writing will prove to be a moment Turning to the personal life as well as the work ...
The film I liked a lot, although certainly you can not define a work of cinematic art has kept me in good spirits all the time. In addition to Streep with his talent has managed to give the character an innate sympathy and to fill many of the moments when the script was lacking.
All in all I give the film a score of 3 out of 5 stars ...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Kates Playground All Naturals
Now is the assignee of a proud Sunshine Award 2011! I guess you all know what is right? No? Then I will explain: it is a virtual prize, to be allocated to sites and blogs - especially literary and cultural, but not only - we consider most interesting and which then assigns a "sunshine" ...
The dear dear Guchippai had thought to include me among the victims too ... oops I mean the recipients of prize: p
The award recipients should:
1 - to thank everyone who has rewarded us ... And of course thank Guchippai / Charlotte for the prize:)
2 - write a post for the prize ... That of course This would
3 - increased to 12 blogs that we deserve.
4 - insert the link of each of the selected blog.
5 - say to the winners.
Well for the last three points, whereas some are allergic to chain letters and not wanting to forget anyone because I realized I was really follow a lot of blog ... I decided to vacate the award ... in other words if you want you can bring your application and if you're generous enough will be considered: p
Corners Of Eye Skin Is Very Dark
"We are not able to become indignant" ... which has the absolutely right here, we are not outraged, watch TV, TG, newspapers etc.. We hear news absurd that in a normal country and could trigger a popular uprising rather than a few externalization extemporaneous we pretend nothing ...
There are so used to the current state of affairs that now know that our prime minister is under investigation for facts relating to child prostitution no longer neither hot nor cold ...
I wonder I see a teenage boy (a regardless of whether it is guilty or innocent) a prime minister who at present has more entries in the register of suspects who last birthday cake candles, that idea has to do and especially what ideals should grow?
I can not answer these questions, but this honestly does not seem normal ...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Hampton Bay Replacement Remote
Ok pardon the pun a bit 'shabby, but I'll explain it: I know that I'm so over studying veterinary medicine pretty cool names to google a bit to make my 'eyes also use the network to search for topics related to my studies, particularly I was interested in the mortality of birds during this period that is affecting different parts of the world because of what the crows and other dead birds falling from the sky like rain without a gruesome than anything else has yet managed to find an answer to my problem ... interest has become a bit 'stronger But when I found a link to the news site ... Of course I followed and those pages I discovered that according to an American prophet who travels the world to spread the Word of God, this memory was provoked by the homosexual ...
In practice it would review the woman when the men go against the laws of God is the nature to react with the same disasters and other similar phenomena among which is this die-off of birds that you just associated with the phenomenon of homosexuality and the recognition of gay rights ...
I leave here the link to the page where is the news and where you can also read the translation of the speech of the prophet ...
Honestly, I'm laughing too much so I could get angry ... anyone could do for me?
Monday, January 17, 2011
A List Of Customary And Metric Measurement Units
's post Today is dedicated to a person who I found out she left and to which it is not just my thoughts at this time, but also a lot of gratitude because it is also thanks to her that today are what they are ...
This post today is dedicated to my prof ... a great little woman who has put in his work all his heart and before his eyes had never seen students just stubborn fools who give lessons, but instead to help the boys become men ...
Farewell Professor and Sorry if I'm gone, I thought many times to contact you to know how he was, but then for one thing or another in the end I did ... I can assure you that often but I happened to think of her as the I'm sure the rest will continue to happen in the future, I do not think averglielo never told directly, but I have always respected and in my memories of high school you will always have a special place ... the greeting and saying goodbye I leave this music that is just as she was, thoughtful and careful, but full of energy ...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Can Funnel Cake Mix Expire
editorial "Politics at the gates" by Giovanni Belardelli for Corriere della Sera a few days ago we read:
'A bit throughout the years by the Italian left is more attentive to the new individual rights, which the traditional social rights more sensitive to discrimination against homosexuals or immigrants, that the living conditions of factory workers. "
I will not get into specifics about what has really made the left in the battle for gay rights that I would not say it is absolute zero, but close enough, but rather I wonder, is it possible that in the second decade of the new millennium we are still in the war between us poor people without rights? I can not find this statement offensive, I find only that the system of things in which we are forced to live sucks and forced to cannibalize between poor ...
Friday, January 14, 2011
What Is The Best Home Gel Nail System
This is an anime a bit 'in particular As there are two versions ... in fact the wave success of the manga (comic) was having at home and began the construction of a TV series before it was over ... the conclusion was reached that half of the realization of the series and not having a comic book on which to base the story had to invent from scratch but so disappointing fans of the manga. This dates back to 2009 for the construction of a second series, completed in comics, was able to trace the story of these very accurate ...
series I suggest you see is the latter that goes under the title of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
this soul is really well done, with the characters very well characterized and very thick, then mixes elements of drama, action and comedy sketch very organic with a very nice effect ... the soundtrack is of first-level during the 64 episodes that make up the symbol series (both opening and closing) is changed several times, adapting it from time to time to the rhythm of events and series.
bets were sent last year in Italy only until episode 63 (which is the true conclusion) from channel MTV during the night anime night ... but missing the last episode never aired in the series from us ... "tl'aggja ago remains Gann ...
In this anime that I glued from start to finish took a nice 8 + and do I have to say that he deserves all :)
As usual there I leave the plot without spoilers this time is from MTV website (where lovers subtitle stream can be found in the original language) and some clips of the series of abbreviations:
Edward and Alphonse Elric are two brothers living in a world where everything is regulated by the alchemy. After the death of his mother, two brothers are studying together a way to revive, without success. Their attempt to defy the laws of alchemy will have serious consequences: Edward loses an arm and a leg, and Alphonse's entire body, but thanks to the sacrifice And his soul is bound to armor. Years later, Ed is able to enlist among the alchemists of state, obtaining the title of Alchemist Steel, with the aim of finding the Philosopher's Stone, the only hope to regain their bodies.