After almost a year I take the hands of the blog with the idea to write four things.
The only thing I can talk to (almost) for good reason is what about my work: the health physics.
is not, as some believe, a branch of physics that deals with how water flows in the processes (although it would be useful if it became clear with only an exhaust ...) but the physical and clinical medical uses, but not only.
In general, they are almost always of radiation of various kinds, and in hospitals or other health professionals.
Here is a list more or less organic (and possibly incomplete) of what I deal, in the next post I will talk in more detail.
radiology / diagnostic radiology
From the banal to the chest plates are used in modern CT radiation (X rays) radiations.
radiation should be measured and controlled the operation of the equipment.
The MRI, while using radiation of a different kind, is within range.
We're talking about techniques that are used to see inside the human body to diagnose a variety of diseases.
Branca very interesting even if less "funny", deals with the care (or at least one test) of solid tumors.
In combination with chemotherapy, or alone, radiotherapy aims to kill cells tumor with high doses of localized radiation.
From Nuclear Medicine to modern PET bone scans, is responsible for monitoring and diagnosis of cancer but not all.
The peculiarity is the use of radioactive substances introduced into the patient by injection or orally.
can also be used for the treatment of certain specific pathologies, in which case you are in a world on horseback with radiotherapy.
Radiation Physics are bad, and when there is a benefit resulting from their use, must receive as little as possible.
Radiation protection is concerned to ensure that people (the public, workers and patients) do not receive unnecessary radiation.
In fact, the radiation is not strictly a matter of physical health, but often overlapping activities (sometimes unfortunately clashes with ...).
The idea is to explain in the next post "for dummies", but no one is offended, is this strange and most importantly, what the heck it is in the hospital a guy who is neither a doctor nor a nurse. Comments are welcome