than a month! imagine how much time has passed dal'ultimo update.
I created this blog in a moment of fatigue, preparing for an examination, I needed to detach and I thought to do so.
Qualified Expert in esamone The issue is not a laughing matter, do in Rome at the Ministry of Labour.
However, after so much hard work and lots of costs in taxes, and overnight train at least I have the satisfaction of passing it in the best way.
For those who do not know EQ
deals with radiation protection, ie in practice on safety at work where we use radiation.
After this scare I can now return to a more normal life, waiting for the holidays.
What is this blog
These days I wondered why it is here to write (though little) ...
Well I have not a solution, and if anyone by chance happen to read this give me some advice, please!
I'll write my business? (Mah .. I'm a private person ...)
I have to write what happens in the world of anime and manga? (There are excellent sites that already do)
I write my reflections on life and the world? (Heaven forbid! Are not enough extremist anywhere!)
And it is only that which is craving to have their own space of expression? (Maybe, but I is not you love to express myself)
currently opt for a potpourri (or whatever the heck you wrote) that is a paciugone, what turns me right now ...