Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
How To Remove Pinnacle
test his tunic
Yeah, great efforts are almost finished.
I miss only the hem of a sleeve .... I can not believe that he had prepared the props and sewing costumes for three weekends of just a month and a half and have made it. And still be alive!
However, the satisfaction of seeing all done with better results than I expected rewards of all the sleepless nights and mornings in the office shuffling zombies to the coffee machine out of desperation.
Lucca come!
Yeah, great efforts are almost finished.
I miss only the hem of a sleeve .... I can not believe that he had prepared the props and sewing costumes for three weekends of just a month and a half and have made it. And still be alive!
However, the satisfaction of seeing all done with better results than I expected rewards of all the sleepless nights and mornings in the office shuffling zombies to the coffee machine out of desperation.
Lucca come!
Lead Sinker Craigslist
least two days a departure for Lucca! Our
Haibane Renmei cosplay is almost finished, lacking only the finishing touches.
is the earliest pictures in recent days that preparations are underway: Photo
was followed by many others that will shoot directly at the fair.
least two days a departure for Lucca! Our
Haibane Renmei cosplay is almost finished, lacking only the finishing touches.
is the earliest pictures in recent days that preparations are underway: Photo
was followed by many others that will shoot directly at the fair.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Super Bowl Invite Wordings
Where were we?
Here, we were moving towards the guild, this elusive entity ...
We found quickly by following the directions. It 'a building a bit' special, very busy with people and soon noticed an outer door with a long queue outside.
We sat in the queue we saw that the queue was formed by people without any medal.
We decided to talk Trillian which is a bit 'more skilled in diplomacy "... but regretted it instantly when introduced me as his "servant" ... GRRR!
get our two medallions by merchants, of a different color, I guess because I "servant" (GRRR).
What to do then? We decided to wander a bit 'for the city in search of more information.
We were looking for a powerful magician, and of course does not go unnoticed, someone must know something! The city
to our surprise it shows be placed on the banks of a large navigable lake: there is a port where ships sail all the time.
In short we learned that:
1) Businesses to be a big city across the lake
2) the land route is much longer
3) in the lake there is a very dangerous to everyone is away
4) the city trades in grain and other supplies
5) there are wars around rather large
All very interesting ...
In our travels we found a small boy eager to sell information.
We followed his advice to leave the basement, a den of thieves, he said, and bring us into a store to find the books 'historical' we are looking for. This
shop, unusual and very different from the others, was run by an old man: Trillian obviously not stop to talk to him ...
At least we found out that he knew some ancient language, and we all had to translate the inscription on the box that gave me the guy who dragged us into this world seems to be a very dangerous thing to mess with in a lot of wind and destruction and assorted ... Mammamia!
While we were talking in the shop suddenly pandemonium: the city was under attack!
people running, soldiers who fought ... and shop raided six Cagnacci gigantic! Luckily devoured the old and we were able to give us this like hell!
But the city was full of these ugly beasts ... I met the other three and we could not help but fight. My ax made his great job and we could then save.
forgot ... before all the fuss we made a visit even in the guild on the wall where we found a map drawn huge!
Piece parchment and away a better copy ... so at least we know where the hell these cities are located!
Where were we?
Here, we were moving towards the guild, this elusive entity ...
We found quickly by following the directions. It 'a building a bit' special, very busy with people and soon noticed an outer door with a long queue outside.
We sat in the queue we saw that the queue was formed by people without any medal.
We decided to talk Trillian which is a bit 'more skilled in diplomacy "... but regretted it instantly when introduced me as his "servant" ... GRRR!
get our two medallions by merchants, of a different color, I guess because I "servant" (GRRR).
What to do then? We decided to wander a bit 'for the city in search of more information.
We were looking for a powerful magician, and of course does not go unnoticed, someone must know something! The city
to our surprise it shows be placed on the banks of a large navigable lake: there is a port where ships sail all the time.
In short we learned that:
1) Businesses to be a big city across the lake
2) the land route is much longer
3) in the lake there is a very dangerous to everyone is away
4) the city trades in grain and other supplies
5) there are wars around rather large
All very interesting ...
In our travels we found a small boy eager to sell information.
We followed his advice to leave the basement, a den of thieves, he said, and bring us into a store to find the books 'historical' we are looking for. This
shop, unusual and very different from the others, was run by an old man: Trillian obviously not stop to talk to him ...
At least we found out that he knew some ancient language, and we all had to translate the inscription on the box that gave me the guy who dragged us into this world seems to be a very dangerous thing to mess with in a lot of wind and destruction and assorted ... Mammamia!
While we were talking in the shop suddenly pandemonium: the city was under attack!
people running, soldiers who fought ... and shop raided six Cagnacci gigantic! Luckily devoured the old and we were able to give us this like hell!
But the city was full of these ugly beasts ... I met the other three and we could not help but fight. My ax made his great job and we could then save.
forgot ... before all the fuss we made a visit even in the guild on the wall where we found a map drawn huge!
Piece parchment and away a better copy ... so at least we know where the hell these cities are located!
Monday, October 9, 2006
Diaper Punishment Advice
Day 2, Day 1
Grunt! Are Jox, nano.
I love my ax and my beard.
I've been through a lot in my life but never as strange things I'm about to tell.
Skips premises that are just broken and we come straight to the point: my life was proceeding regularly (well, regular is not the right word since I'm an adventurer), until that night ...
That night
As every evening between missions / raids / barbarian / etc ... and the other I went to bed.
my armor and my trusty ax (in addition to various weapons "backup") lying stored in the closet.
I put on my pajamas (yes! Also dwarf adventurers are cold at night, you think?) And do not take me long to fall asleep in the warm blankets.
Since you say all right here ...
think the shock when I woke up suddenly and found myself lying on a table stone cold, wearing my armor with lots of ax!
waited a couple of minutes, just to make sure we're dreaming.
I was not tied or constrained in any way, I sat up and looked around.
Very strange ... I was in a kind of secret, a large circular room with a single corridor of rock, without doors, as an output.
From the corridor came the only source of light, everything else dark.
But there was someone else in the room! Elf! And dressed as a witch ... I do not trust them! He said the name
Trillian (what a name idiot) and he told me a story similar to mine.
I decided not to fight, the priority is to understand where we are and what the hell is going on.
No time to exchange a few words and the hall came a strange common ground: lean and very high. But very high mean VERY high ... and not because I'm a midget! It must have been at least 2 meters and 30.
"Follow me, please. My boss wants to speak." Said the guy.
At least it was clear that this was the "owner" to get us in that strange place. There were not many
alternative ... began to follow him along the corridor. Pure
the corridor was very weird! Emits a strange glow covered the torch, but the strangest thing was perfectly right!
rooms with no door opened to the right and left, some full of dust, others clean.
Since the type we walked slowly crept briefly into the rooms, only to see that both were "normal" clean rooms (apart from having a uccellone painted on the walls), they were so disturbing those dusty! It was not possbile to see the ceiling, but only black ... black as the deepest hole on earth.
After a long corridor ended in a step bright, dazzling.
The suspicion was strong, but what else could we do but continue to follow that strange man?
entered, or rather we went out, a giant grass that seemed sunk: it was surrounded by land and it was easy to suppose that just a few meters below the normal level of the soil.
Just time to take some steps that I stopped, frozen: in front of me the most terrible vision of my life! A huge black dragon with eyes injected with fire!
I wanted to run away but where?
Meanwhile, the servant went on to invite us to follow him with his soothing voice, as if everything was normal ... well maybe for him!
Trillian did not seem much quieter me, but continues to follow ... I'd rather be more cautious and to stay a bit 'behind (even if the only distance "security" by a black dragon is a few miles ...). Continuing
I realized that the dragon seemed almost motionless, absorbed in watching a strange black stone which was to bow down even the servant.
Sharpening the view I saw a strange symbol: a sword with a bird! The same rooms along the corridor ... will be the symbol of this "place" ... maybe ...
Help! The black stuff was speaking!
I will not go into details (because I did not understand much ... I must say I was never good at things to think), but the sauce of the matter is that they need Conford with our help to the populace of the place and steal a locket he needs. But I'm
casino for a medallion? Why us? To refuse even the shadow of course: too dangerous!
Told his strange and incomprehensible story the dragon flew, the air moved almost made me fall to the ground!
gripped between his claws the black stone and they left.
left alone with the servant that we put out two bags and showed us a direction to go. Then he disappeared.
was no money in the bags! 54 coins!
Also in my bag I found a strange box sealed with wax (and the usual symbol dell'uccellaccio), while Trillian found a thing with so many vials that liked it so much ... bah, magicians!
Even now ... options? One: to obey and follow the path to a stone.
No time to get in gear that Trillian starts poking around (but could sit still?) And I find it? A number of skeletons buried! Yuck!
good start ...
having walked for hours as the only distraction a couple of goblins, and even with their Trillian I stole all the fun making them explode with his magic ... Razzetti At least the last I managed to finish it with my beloved bolas!
These kobolds were cutting down a tree, then unclear what he was doing an ax with blood nearby ... but now the list of disturbing facts reached oversize.
We continued along the path, now it was dark but the moon was high, until exhausted we decided to camp in the woods beside the trail. Trillian
seemed very concerned about a spell that failed during the night ... that there is some strange sorcery in the woods?
rest for hours (having to do only two rounds) and then we began the march.
finally came in sight of the city. The city
The path came out, losing in the fields, on a busy street, wagons, carts and people walked the walk in both directions with different levels of agitation. No one seemed
If we do a lot so we decided to direct us, in the crowds to the city.
reaching the entrance, guarded by two guards from the air a little alarm, but we noticed one thing: all those who had a locket around his neck!
These medallions are all alike except for color and a symbol located in the middle.
What to do? We do not we have it ... maybe it is mandatory ... could be a problem! To investigate
decided to move away from the city so you can talk to a native with no one around. The trader
proves very surprised to see foreigners, the more amazed we did not know how to count on not to reveal too many details about our goals.
Chatter aside we learn that the medallions identify the social class and work, and good news, you can enter the city without the medallion, but to go to the "guild" (which?) And request.
thank the caravan and head en route to the city. The guards at the entrance
prove very friendly and explain that you pay a fee to enter (14 coins ...). The stink of rotten thing a mile away! But somehow (damn I must be more careful!) We find ourselves in a corner with no one around!
remains only pay ... hiding obviously have far more money with us: the occasion makes the thief ... and they already were!
Bah ... so take advantage of foreigners ... dishonest ... Reeks ... homeless ...
Back to us ...
Once in the city do? Find an Inn of course!
Asking around, the feeling was that outsiders actually did not see for quite a while ...
The only inn was on the other side of town, called something like "Al Rutto Free" (I like that name!).
Al "Rutto Free"
The inn was an ordinary inn ... nothing to say.
We were surprised to learn that instead we could not get a room! Without medallion no right ... and even the innkeeper brings us back to this mysterious guild.
The only option was to go now the guild ...
By Jox
What hard work! Long!
Comments? Additions? Corrections?
Grunt! Are Jox, nano.
I love my ax and my beard.
I've been through a lot in my life but never as strange things I'm about to tell.
Skips premises that are just broken and we come straight to the point: my life was proceeding regularly (well, regular is not the right word since I'm an adventurer), until that night ...
That night
As every evening between missions / raids / barbarian / etc ... and the other I went to bed.
my armor and my trusty ax (in addition to various weapons "backup") lying stored in the closet.
I put on my pajamas (yes! Also dwarf adventurers are cold at night, you think?) And do not take me long to fall asleep in the warm blankets.
Since you say all right here ...
think the shock when I woke up suddenly and found myself lying on a table stone cold, wearing my armor with lots of ax!
waited a couple of minutes, just to make sure we're dreaming.
I was not tied or constrained in any way, I sat up and looked around.
Very strange ... I was in a kind of secret, a large circular room with a single corridor of rock, without doors, as an output.
From the corridor came the only source of light, everything else dark.
But there was someone else in the room! Elf! And dressed as a witch ... I do not trust them! He said the name
Trillian (what a name idiot) and he told me a story similar to mine.
I decided not to fight, the priority is to understand where we are and what the hell is going on.
No time to exchange a few words and the hall came a strange common ground: lean and very high. But very high mean VERY high ... and not because I'm a midget! It must have been at least 2 meters and 30.
"Follow me, please. My boss wants to speak." Said the guy.
At least it was clear that this was the "owner" to get us in that strange place. There were not many
alternative ... began to follow him along the corridor. Pure
the corridor was very weird! Emits a strange glow covered the torch, but the strangest thing was perfectly right!
rooms with no door opened to the right and left, some full of dust, others clean.
Since the type we walked slowly crept briefly into the rooms, only to see that both were "normal" clean rooms (apart from having a uccellone painted on the walls), they were so disturbing those dusty! It was not possbile to see the ceiling, but only black ... black as the deepest hole on earth.
After a long corridor ended in a step bright, dazzling.
The suspicion was strong, but what else could we do but continue to follow that strange man?
entered, or rather we went out, a giant grass that seemed sunk: it was surrounded by land and it was easy to suppose that just a few meters below the normal level of the soil.
Just time to take some steps that I stopped, frozen: in front of me the most terrible vision of my life! A huge black dragon with eyes injected with fire!
I wanted to run away but where?
Meanwhile, the servant went on to invite us to follow him with his soothing voice, as if everything was normal ... well maybe for him!
Trillian did not seem much quieter me, but continues to follow ... I'd rather be more cautious and to stay a bit 'behind (even if the only distance "security" by a black dragon is a few miles ...). Continuing
I realized that the dragon seemed almost motionless, absorbed in watching a strange black stone which was to bow down even the servant.
Sharpening the view I saw a strange symbol: a sword with a bird! The same rooms along the corridor ... will be the symbol of this "place" ... maybe ...
Help! The black stuff was speaking!
I will not go into details (because I did not understand much ... I must say I was never good at things to think), but the sauce of the matter is that they need Conford with our help to the populace of the place and steal a locket he needs. But I'm
casino for a medallion? Why us? To refuse even the shadow of course: too dangerous!
Told his strange and incomprehensible story the dragon flew, the air moved almost made me fall to the ground!
gripped between his claws the black stone and they left.
left alone with the servant that we put out two bags and showed us a direction to go. Then he disappeared.
was no money in the bags! 54 coins!
Also in my bag I found a strange box sealed with wax (and the usual symbol dell'uccellaccio), while Trillian found a thing with so many vials that liked it so much ... bah, magicians!
Even now ... options? One: to obey and follow the path to a stone.
No time to get in gear that Trillian starts poking around (but could sit still?) And I find it? A number of skeletons buried! Yuck!
good start ...
having walked for hours as the only distraction a couple of goblins, and even with their Trillian I stole all the fun making them explode with his magic ... Razzetti At least the last I managed to finish it with my beloved bolas!
These kobolds were cutting down a tree, then unclear what he was doing an ax with blood nearby ... but now the list of disturbing facts reached oversize.
We continued along the path, now it was dark but the moon was high, until exhausted we decided to camp in the woods beside the trail. Trillian
seemed very concerned about a spell that failed during the night ... that there is some strange sorcery in the woods?
rest for hours (having to do only two rounds) and then we began the march.
finally came in sight of the city. The city
The path came out, losing in the fields, on a busy street, wagons, carts and people walked the walk in both directions with different levels of agitation. No one seemed
If we do a lot so we decided to direct us, in the crowds to the city.
reaching the entrance, guarded by two guards from the air a little alarm, but we noticed one thing: all those who had a locket around his neck!
These medallions are all alike except for color and a symbol located in the middle.
What to do? We do not we have it ... maybe it is mandatory ... could be a problem! To investigate
decided to move away from the city so you can talk to a native with no one around. The trader
proves very surprised to see foreigners, the more amazed we did not know how to count on not to reveal too many details about our goals.
Chatter aside we learn that the medallions identify the social class and work, and good news, you can enter the city without the medallion, but to go to the "guild" (which?) And request.
thank the caravan and head en route to the city. The guards at the entrance
prove very friendly and explain that you pay a fee to enter (14 coins ...). The stink of rotten thing a mile away! But somehow (damn I must be more careful!) We find ourselves in a corner with no one around!
remains only pay ... hiding obviously have far more money with us: the occasion makes the thief ... and they already were!
Bah ... so take advantage of foreigners ... dishonest ... Reeks ... homeless ...
Back to us ...
Once in the city do? Find an Inn of course!
Asking around, the feeling was that outsiders actually did not see for quite a while ...
The only inn was on the other side of town, called something like "Al Rutto Free" (I like that name!).
Al "Rutto Free"
The inn was an ordinary inn ... nothing to say.
We were surprised to learn that instead we could not get a room! Without medallion no right ... and even the innkeeper brings us back to this mysterious guild.
The only option was to go now the guild ...
By Jox
What hard work! Long!
Comments? Additions? Corrections?
Sunday, October 8, 2006
''hair Transplant Surgery Post A Comment Blog
Resumes AD & D
After so long I take to finally stop playing the role-playing games.
As always the good old Advanced Dungeons & Dragons second edition.
No more recent but solid and well known by now ... maybe in the future invest in some manual third edition, who knows.
We are currently playing in three of which one is the Dungeon Master. Pochini, but maybe it will increase in future.
I keep track of the events of the game here, just as historical memory.
The characters are two: a magician specializing (in what is still not well known) named Trillian ('ve heard, right?) and I, a dwarf warrior named Jox.
For the sake of the adventure started from the 10th level is actually slightly, but soprattuttto for the magician needed to cast a bit 'of fun.
After so long I take to finally stop playing the role-playing games.
As always the good old Advanced Dungeons & Dragons second edition.
No more recent but solid and well known by now ... maybe in the future invest in some manual third edition, who knows.
We are currently playing in three of which one is the Dungeon Master. Pochini, but maybe it will increase in future.
I keep track of the events of the game here, just as historical memory.
The characters are two: a magician specializing (in what is still not well known) named Trillian ('ve heard, right?) and I, a dwarf warrior named Jox.
For the sake of the adventure started from the 10th level is actually slightly, but soprattuttto for the magician needed to cast a bit 'of fun.
Monday, October 2, 2006
Brent Everrett Free Ipod
yesterday for the first time I was at Cosplay , exhibition of comic books (but it should be?).
The composition is very similar to the various fairs scattered throughout Italy: crowded rooms filled with benches every "dell'otaku joy." How
space I have to say that in this case were very tight, totally unfit to run for stands with a minimum of calm. Note
absolutely positive you have found the good business, unlike other shows where exhibitors are perhaps more aware of what they can squeeze out some poor fan.
I brought home some gashapon at ridiculous prices (a few €) and concerns that are beginning to like it more and more of the puppets ... but not enough for me to spend the money in comic books and DVD?
I only wonder there were free entry would have gone anyway? Boh ... we'll see if I will return

yesterday for the first time I was at Cosplay , exhibition of comic books (but it should be?).
The composition is very similar to the various fairs scattered throughout Italy: crowded rooms filled with benches every "dell'otaku joy." How
space I have to say that in this case were very tight, totally unfit to run for stands with a minimum of calm. Note
absolutely positive you have found the good business, unlike other shows where exhibitors are perhaps more aware of what they can squeeze out some poor fan.
I brought home some gashapon at ridiculous prices (a few €) and concerns that are beginning to like it more and more of the puppets ... but not enough for me to spend the money in comic books and DVD?
I only wonder there were free entry would have gone anyway? Boh ... we'll see if I will return
Thursday, September 28, 2006
How To Make A Ezio Hidden Blade
I have just registered the domain www.kaonashi.it
should point to this page waiting decides to build something articulated (if I never will)
Given the pace of this blog I would say that the hopes are not very good.
But who knows ... maybe sooner or later find that talking to
I have just registered the domain www.kaonashi.it
should point to this page waiting decides to build something articulated (if I never will)
Given the pace of this blog I would say that the hopes are not very good.
But who knows ... maybe sooner or later find that talking to
Sunday, July 9, 2006
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
How To Catch A Libra Attention
Farewell, Frank
I never wanted to write sad posts in this space, but it seems fair to do so on this occasion.
This morning a colleague and friend, died riding his bike, his passion.
was his first day off and was running around in peace, or at least these are the first information piecemeal.
If anyone knows him ask him to pass here to leave a note, just to make them feel that we have.
I'll miss you!
Farewell Frank Modica!
I never wanted to write sad posts in this space, but it seems fair to do so on this occasion.
This morning a colleague and friend, died riding his bike, his passion.
was his first day off and was running around in peace, or at least these are the first information piecemeal.
If anyone knows him ask him to pass here to leave a note, just to make them feel that we have.
I'll miss you!
Farewell Frank Modica!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Handjob Gf Best Friend
Haruna Nakada
Now a nice post regarding souls!
I heard in recent days that the Japanese pianist, will be in Milan, Spazio Oberdan on Saturday night to play music by Joe Hisaishi, composer of the official soundtrack of the animated film by Hayao Miyazaki.
Following screening of "Tonari no Totoro", the legendary film ever "master".
I really think I will go there: it is an opportunity not to be missed!
Here where I learned of the event
Here where to find more information about Miyazaki and his works
It is a shot from the film " Tonari no Totoro "
I heard in recent days that the Japanese pianist, will be in Milan, Spazio Oberdan on Saturday night to play music by Joe Hisaishi, composer of the official soundtrack of the animated film by Hayao Miyazaki.
Following screening of "Tonari no Totoro", the legendary film ever "master".
I really think I will go there: it is an opportunity not to be missed!
Here where I learned of the event
Here where to find more information about Miyazaki and his works
It is a shot from the film " Tonari no Totoro "
Toshiba Laptop Oovoo Not Working
than a month!
imagine how much time has passed dal'ultimo update.
I created this blog in a moment of fatigue, preparing for an examination, I needed to detach and I thought to do so.
Qualified Expert in esamone
The issue is not a laughing matter, do in Rome at the Ministry of Labour.
However, after so much hard work and lots of costs in taxes, and overnight train at least I have the satisfaction of passing it in the best way.
For those who do not know EQ deals with radiation protection, ie in practice on safety at work where we use radiation.
After this scare I can now return to a more normal life, waiting for the holidays.
What is this blog
These days I wondered why it is here to write (though little) ...
Well I have not a solution, and if anyone by chance happen to read this give me some advice, please!
I'll write my business? (Mah .. I'm a private person ...)
I have to write what happens in the world of anime and manga? (There are excellent sites that already do)
I write my reflections on life and the world? (Heaven forbid! Are not enough extremist anywhere!)
And it is only that which is craving to have their own space of expression? (Maybe, but I is not you love to express myself)
currently opt for a potpourri (or whatever the heck you wrote) that is a paciugone, what turns me right now ...
imagine how much time has passed dal'ultimo update.
I created this blog in a moment of fatigue, preparing for an examination, I needed to detach and I thought to do so.
Qualified Expert in esamone
The issue is not a laughing matter, do in Rome at the Ministry of Labour.
However, after so much hard work and lots of costs in taxes, and overnight train at least I have the satisfaction of passing it in the best way.
For those who do not know EQ deals with radiation protection, ie in practice on safety at work where we use radiation.
After this scare I can now return to a more normal life, waiting for the holidays.
What is this blog
These days I wondered why it is here to write (though little) ...
Well I have not a solution, and if anyone by chance happen to read this give me some advice, please!
I'll write my business? (Mah .. I'm a private person ...)
I have to write what happens in the world of anime and manga? (There are excellent sites that already do)
I write my reflections on life and the world? (Heaven forbid! Are not enough extremist anywhere!)
And it is only that which is craving to have their own space of expression? (Maybe, but I is not you love to express myself)
currently opt for a potpourri (or whatever the heck you wrote) that is a paciugone, what turns me right now ...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Ge Convection Toaster Oven, Model Number 169127
Lucca 2006
Yesterday came the big news: this year the fair Lucca Comics & Games will be held from 'November 1 to 5 for the streets!
E 'an unexpected news although a similar idea came to me last year already like, "what would be nice if ...". From what I
understand it is an experiment, for 40 years at the fair. I hardly think that 40 years ago are already talking about games and comics.
The fair should occupy a defined area, but not restricted to the south of the city enclosed by walls. Of course I imagine that is defined to ensure payment of a ticket at least!
The area indicated by the site includes spacious squares and broad avenues.
also guess that the stands and stalls are not open, but will be set up several tents to protect the exhibitors from the sun and, I hope not, rain.
's a choice fraught with obstacles, but I have confidence in the organizers.
We'll see.
I'll be there for sure, and will also enjoy a dwelling within the walls.
Yesterday came the big news: this year the fair Lucca Comics & Games will be held from 'November 1 to 5 for the streets!
E 'an unexpected news although a similar idea came to me last year already like, "what would be nice if ...". From what I
understand it is an experiment, for 40 years at the fair. I hardly think that 40 years ago are already talking about games and comics.
The fair should occupy a defined area, but not restricted to the south of the city enclosed by walls. Of course I imagine that is defined to ensure payment of a ticket at least!
The area indicated by the site includes spacious squares and broad avenues.
also guess that the stands and stalls are not open, but will be set up several tents to protect the exhibitors from the sun and, I hope not, rain.
's a choice fraught with obstacles, but I have confidence in the organizers.
We'll see.
I'll be there for sure, and will also enjoy a dwelling within the walls.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
How To Refresh Smelly Knickers
First post
Welcome to Blog Kaonashi & friends!
I'm not a person of many words that I write so many things to friends ... A short
least a hint of explanation on the title: there is waaay to tell!
Welcome to Blog Kaonashi & friends!
I'm not a person of many words that I write so many things to friends ... A short
least a hint of explanation on the title: there is waaay to tell!
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